Monday, February 23, 2009

Maria O'Brien and Ehow Podcast

As I've shared with you before, I follow Maria O'Brien aka Writergig on ehow, and try in some fashion to emulate her, as she's making big bucks on eHow, and I would like to.
Someone on eHow emailed me a podcast of Maria, and today I discovered that TalkShoe offered a button to embed in my blog, so that I could share it with you!
At the right, in the dark blue box that says ebay selling coach, click on the down arrow by the drop box that says "past episodes", and select "episode 22:ehow and passive income". The podcast is a phone call between ebay selling coach and Maria O'Brien, where Maria shares some of her eHow tips.
Maria's e-book, "How to Earn Passive Income on eHow" is also listed for sale $25 at the right if you click on "buy now" it will take you directly to her check out.
Listen to the's free, and has lots of great tips!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Another Source of Income

I recently stumbled over another source of income. My friend Tonya told me that Wal-Mart had an affiliate program with which to monetize your blog. I went to investigate, and to enroll in Wal-Mart's affiliate program, you first have to enroll in LinkShare, which is a meeting place for many, many affiliate programs, and they organize them for you! You even can become an affiliate for them; take note of the link on the right!
I have no idea of the income potential; some of the programs offer as much as a 20% payout (; link on this blog) from your referrals! I believe it will make me feel like I have much more control over my blog advertisement when I get to pick the programs, instead of google or adsense picking them. We'll see!

Monday, February 16, 2009

Dena Bolton & The New York Examiner

I have been following another eHow writer who is a garden specialist, Dena Bolton. To any of you who know me, this must seem really strange, considering that I can even kill silk plants, but Dena is a good writer, and was someone going ahead of me who was/is willing to share tips.
I checked out her website, and found that she was writing for the Nashville Gardening Examiner, and is making more money writing 3-4 articles per week than she is on eHow. She recommended this to me, and so I applied, submitted a new, unpublished article to prove I can write well, passed a background check, and was accepted as a New York Examiner who specializes in Daycare.
I look forward to the writing experience, as well as another source of income!
I don't know if they have an affiliate program, but I made sure that I gave credit to Dena for referring me in case they wanted to pay her a million dollars, or something! I will certainly keep y'all posted regarding the payout, and if you decide to apply, remember me, just in case they want to give me something besides indigestion!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

"How to Earn Passive Income on eHow"

I have been following the eHow writer "WriterGig" for awhile now, because I want to emulate her. She is making $1000 per month writing articles for eHow. I followed her on eHow and then found her blog, and finally had some extra money to buy her e-book, "How to Earn Passive Income on eHow". I am carrying it around the house with me, literally, because I am so excited about the new tools I have found in it.
I am suspicious by nature. I have been scammed and conned in the past, and have gotten to the point that I am suspicious of anyone that wants money. I have been watching Writergig for almost a month, and I have seen screen shots of her payouts, and I believe with all of my heart that she is the real deal!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Online Earning Potential

I have been diligently seeking new ways to make money while writing on the Internet. I read everything I can, research it, look for the strings that are often attached, and try to be really careful about who and what I recommend.
I received a recommendation from another blogger to check out the Examiner. She writes for the Examiner in her area, and if I am accepted, I will write for the New York Examiner. I filled out an application, submitted a sample article, and now the waiting begins.....
I also stumbled across Xomba, another writing spot similar to Ehow, which is dear to my heart. I have met some of my favorite people on eHow, and the support there is amazing. I will have to keep you posted about Xomba. There are a lot more rules and regulations there, and it appears to have a smaller following.
You are always welcome to go and see what I am doing on eHow. If you can't jump right to my articles through the links in this page, you can always google AdirondackTrina. There can't be many more like me!Ü