Monday, February 16, 2009

Dena Bolton & The New York Examiner

I have been following another eHow writer who is a garden specialist, Dena Bolton. To any of you who know me, this must seem really strange, considering that I can even kill silk plants, but Dena is a good writer, and was someone going ahead of me who was/is willing to share tips.
I checked out her website, and found that she was writing for the Nashville Gardening Examiner, and is making more money writing 3-4 articles per week than she is on eHow. She recommended this to me, and so I applied, submitted a new, unpublished article to prove I can write well, passed a background check, and was accepted as a New York Examiner who specializes in Daycare.
I look forward to the writing experience, as well as another source of income!
I don't know if they have an affiliate program, but I made sure that I gave credit to Dena for referring me in case they wanted to pay her a million dollars, or something! I will certainly keep y'all posted regarding the payout, and if you decide to apply, remember me, just in case they want to give me something besides indigestion!

1 comment:

  1. Trina -- You are a doll-babe! Thank you so much for this endorsement. I will be adding your blog and your link on the Examiner to my blogs and other places where I post such links. I am so looking forward to reading your articles on the Examiner. Good luck to you! By the way, just love the look of your blog.
